Frequently Asked Questions
What should I wear?
Any comfortable work-out attire is appropriate for our classes! We recommend fitted, above the knee shorts for pole. You are welcome to take any classes in bare feet or socks. If you would like to wear heels, they must have a heel the size of a dime and have a full ankle strap or support. No stilettos are allowed for safety reasons. Xpose sells heel protectors that can turn a stiletto shoe into a chunky heel.
For Pole Classes, please refrain from using body lotion or oils for 24 hours before class,
Please be considerate of members and staff and remember your personal hygiene – put on deodorant / antiperspirant before taking class.
What level Pole class is right for me?
Pole classes are broken down into 5 different static levels and 3 different spin levels due to the wide variety of moves. We recommend starting at a level 1 or a level 1/2 pole class. This will familiarize you with our terms and movements specific to pole, and will also help you build the strength needed for the next level. If you already have some pole experience, we still recommend starting at a lower level, as our terminology may differ. The instructors will focus on breaking down the moves for the level that is scheduled.
We require you take at least one leveled pole class before attending a Pole Play class. You must be able to climb on static before starting spin pole work.
We do not require "testing out" of levels. You can move through static levels 1-5 and beginner, intermediate, and advanced spin levels as you feel comfortable! For a detailed description of the pole levels, please visit our Class Types page.
What is a "combination" pole class?
You will see "combination" pole classes indicated on the schedule with a slash (for example: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5). This is a static pole class designed to be in-between both levels. You will learn up to 2 combinations in the higher levels, always with a lower-level option. It's a good place to see if you are ready for the next level!
How can I tell if I'm ready for the next level pole class?
We don't require "testing out" of levels at Xpose Fitness. When you feel you are ready to move up, you are welcome to try the next level! A good indicator of when to try the next level is if you are familiar with all the terminology and moves in your current class. If you are nervous about trying the next level, you can always try a combination class, a Pole Play class, or ask an instructor after class.
What if I can’t make it every week?
Each of our classes is designed to be independent from each other. This means that each move in class is explained and broken down, enabling you to start and stop the program at any time without feeling behind. This is NOT a “dance” class that is taught in weekly sessions. Feel free to jump in at any time!
What if I'm shy?
Our facilities are a friendly and safe environment to practice this type of exercise. No men or children are allowed past the boutique and the classroom is not visible from the store front (The only exception is for our co-ed classes, which are clearly stated on the schedule). Only the other people taking the class will see you, and they will all be focusing on themselves, just like you!. The Xpose program is all about opening up to accept yourself and your body no matter what age or size. When it comes right down to it, we are just a group of women working out!
Do I need to pay initiation fees or monthly dues?
At Xpose Fitness, we do not believe in pricey and binding commitment. Women lead busy lives and should not have to pay for time away from the gym. You only pay for the classes you use! We do not charge membership fees, monthly dues, or initiation fees. See our pricing page for more information.
How do I book my classes?
Classes can be booked 24 hours in advance online here. If you have a class card, you may also book by calling the studio at 410-661-1301. Classes can only be reserved with valid pre-payment.
The class I want to book isn't showing up!
Make sure you are in the booking window of 24 hours before the class you want to take. If you are in the booking window, make sure you are in the correct tab in Wellness Living (Classes should be selected). If it still isn't there, give us a call at 410-661-1301
How do I book a $10 Friday class?
If you do not have a class card, you can book online here and pay the $10 drop in rate. If you have a class card, you can reserve online using the class card. When you come in for classes, you can pay the drop in rate and your class will go back on your account.
How can I come with a group of my friends?
We strongly recommend private parties for groups wishing to take a class together. Information on private parties can be found here. If you wish to take a class on the regular schedule, everyone in your group must create an individual account and pay separately. We cannot accept multiple single class purchases from a single account. No exceptions. Please note that our regularly scheduled classes are open to the public and we cannot guarantee that everyone in your party will be able to get into the class.
What does it mean if I'm on the wait list?
If a class is full, you will see "waitlist only" by the class. If you add your name to the wait list, this means that if we have a cancellation, you will automatically be added to the class.