Private Party Policies
Party Fees
A $99 site fee is required to hold your date. The site fee is non-transferable and non-refundable. If the date of your party needs to be changed, another $99 site fee is required. The per person fee for the organizer is included in the $99 site fee.
In addition to the site fee, each attendee will pay a $30 per person charge. Every person wishing to attend the party MUST pay the party fee, regardless of participation.
There is a minimum requirement of five (5) people to hold a party. For weekday parties (Monday through Thursday), the minimum requirement is eight (8) people. The maximum number of guests for the Xpose Fitness studio is twenty five (25).
If a party cancels less than 24 hours in advance or does not show up at the designated date and time, the organizer’s credit card on file will be charged for the minimum requirement of five (5) attendees at the $30 rate ($150).
Our regularly scheduled party slots are:
Saturdays: 4:30 pm, 6:30 pm, and 8:30 pm
Sundays: 1:30 pm, 3:30 pm, and 5:30 pm
The latest we can book Private Parties is the Wednesday before the weekend, depending on staff availability. We can take Private Party reservations up to four (4) months in advance. We can sometimes accommodate a weekday request, if given at least two (2) weeks notice. This special request must be made by calling the studio at (410) 661-1301. The minimum number of guests for a party outside of our regularly scheduled time frame is eight (8) attendees.
Alcohol is only permitted at parties if all participants will be at least 21 years old on the day of the party. For more, see Age Restrictions below. All parties are BYOB.
Anyone visibly intoxicated will not be permitted to stay at the Xpose Fitness studios before or during the party.
Xpose Fitness reserves the right to cancel your party for any reason, at any time, if we feel that it is unsafe for any participant or staff.
No open containers are allowed outside of the studio for legal and liability reasons.
No open containers are allowed in the studio class areas during the instruction portions of the party.
All beverages other than water must remain in the lounge area for the duration of the party.
Age Restrictions
Everyone attending the party must be at least 18 years of age or older on the date of the party. No Exceptions.
If alcohol is present at the party all participants MUST be 21 or older on the day of the party. All participants MUST present a valid ID for inspection when checking in for the party. Any participant found or suspected of not being 21 when alcohol is present will not be allowed to stay.
Start times and Setup
Parties start promptly at their scheduled start time. If the party has paid for the minimum of 5 participants, the party organizer and two (2) helpers may set up for their party 15 minutes before the scheduled start of the party.
Due to scheduling we cannot start parties early or extend parties past their scheduled time frame for any reason.
Clean UP
At the conclusion of the party, guests will have 15 minutes to gather things up, change clothing, and leave due to time constraints to set up for the next party.​
Decorations and other party material are welcome. However, please do not bring feather boas, confetti, loose glitter, or any other objects that will likely leave behind small or otherwise hard to clean up debris. If your party is found to have violated this rule the party organizer's credit card on file will be changed an additional cleaning fee commensurate with the mess.​